Moving on to the topic of the dreamy guys. (favourite topic, lets all be honest.)

The boy who you are really in-to. No, you don't "Love" him, but you wouldn't mind if he were to.. i don't know.. get up and kiss your face off! 
Yes.. that boy! ;)
He may have a perfect personality..
or maybe a beautiful body (EYE CANDY!)
or maybe both!!
whatever he is, you want to grab him with both hands and never let him leave.
The problem is, he hasn't asked you out!
Maybe he is shy, thinks of you as a friend, or doesn't want to be serious.
Either way, he is great and you want him!
Why is it soooo hard for boys to understand this? 
You do not want the geeky guy who you copy from in algebra, you want Mr Dreamy!
Please girls, do not do the whole "Do you want to, uhm.. go somewhere, sometime, or something? You dont have to.. im just asking incase, i mean.. yea?"
Be brave, be strong and go get your guy!
March over, and TELL him how he is going on a date with you, then kiss him gently and walk away!
or.. keep watching him from the back seat in the classroom for the next three years.. your choice.
That girl, the one who is normally older than you. Who looks you up and down for NO reason at all, yea the biatch.
I have a problem with them types of people, a big problem.
If you have a problem with me, come over to me and say it..
Do NOT push past me, look at me nastily and laugh at me when i walk by.

I know for certain i haven't offended you, i know i haven't shouted at you, i know i haven't been fought with you.. so please do us all a favour? Grow up and get over yourself!
Yeah, that is what Tiffany Thinks!

It can hurt when your crush asks for your mates number instead of yours, it can hurt when you find out the cute boy was staring at someone behind you the last few weeks in math class, but what hurts the most.. is when your best friend, does ring him back or worse.. dates him!
Boy heart pain is bad, best friend heart pain is way worse.
when somebody who is supposed to stand by your side and protect you, ends up the one who hurts you.. then everything seems terrible.
Hearing your parents or other friends tell you "at least you know they aren't a true friend now, rather than letter." you can't help but think.. really?! That does not help me, at all! 
After that it's hard to find another friend who you can be that close to again, you either can't trust them, or they don't know you as well, or they can't make you laugh like your bestie used to.. it can be difficult but it is even harder seeing your old best friend, have a new friend, someone to replace you.. when you know that you can't replace them.
Thats the main problem with having a sister-like-best-friend, you can never replace them.
The person who you now are, has a part of your best friend.. you are the person you are now, because of them.. so when they go, you feel empty.. 
Yeah, that really a tricky one girls..