That perfect pair of jeans, those perfect pair of heels, the perfect best friend.. all of the above are true.
But every TEEN girl need a celebrity boy who she can dream about!
For some it may be a Jonas, or a certain Vampire, maybe your on the side of the Werewolf.. 
but me? Well i'm on the side of a certain teen heart-throb..
I will only tell you One Time, because he is my Baby and he really will make me his One Less Lonely Girl, yes its none other than the beautiful.. Bieber! 
We have all had that moment. The moment when you walk into a phone store and casually look at a phone, THE phone.
When all of a sudden you realize your phone just cannot compare to the beauty of this new blackberry.
Nobody coould ever understand how hard it is to leave the store without it, and no parents can ever understand how painful the "NO! YOU HAVE A PHONE!" comments are.
Because that beautiful phone, could become your best friend, your life and it would look oh, so good on you. 
The moment that a phone becomes your every want, wish and need.. 
That moment, can play havoc on your heart, and your parents wallets. But its the most rewarding feeling, when the phone arrives in it's perfect box, then you know.. you have succeded.
oh yes, we have all had that moment.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2010



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